Help! Early Hope V to disc adapter


Retro Guru

Wondering if anyone can help with this. I'm restoring an Ibis Mojo and it has this strange very early Hope disc adapter. Am I right in thinking these are the floating callipers designed for a GT full sus bike?

Anyway, I'd love to know if this was an official Hope product or an ingenius hack by the former owner? Also, can I adapt the Hope Bulb hub used back to full width? Thirdly, is there any re-sale value for this brakes? They will become surplus to requirement for me as I go back to V brakes on this bike.

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It's a genuine Hope C2 no.2 caliper, the value will be reduced without the hub. If you wish to use the hub without the adapter you'll need to find a standard Bulb 135mm axle & non drive spacer, I'm not sure if the rear axles from non iso (yours) & iso hubs are interchangeable, the fronts definitely aren't.
My advice is to sell the hub/wheel with the brake. Anyone buying it needs it complete.

Then source yourself a standard hub.