Senior Retro Guru
If you wear a helmet and fall off your bike your head with helmet attached it is more likely to make contact with the ground than your head hitting the ground if you had not been wearing one.
Therefore when people say "that could have been my head" they are off the mark.
Most people i've met don't have massive heads. Your "head" becomes a lot bigger when you stick a lump of polystyrene on it making it a lot more likely that you'll bang it if you fall off.
If you tell people to wear a helmet then don't be suprised if they tell you to STFU / Jog on.
Therefore when people say "that could have been my head" they are off the mark.
Most people i've met don't have massive heads. Your "head" becomes a lot bigger when you stick a lump of polystyrene on it making it a lot more likely that you'll bang it if you fall off.
If you tell people to wear a helmet then don't be suprised if they tell you to STFU / Jog on.