Hello From Indiana USA


Retro Newbie
This is my first post to your forum so I thought I would say howdy and share a bit about a Klein a good friend has given to me.

I've owned 5 previous Klein bikes throughout the years (2 road 3 mountain) and have always appreciated the workmanship and class of those machines.

A buddy of mine has had an earlier Attitude hanging in his garage for years and I recently asked how he felt about parting with it. Several weeks later we were in his garage he took it off the hook and helped me load it in my car!

It appears to be a 92 or so vintage Attitude with the moonrise paint. Not pristine by any measure but I believe I'll keep it at the office and take a few pedal breaks when the weather is nice.


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I think in all fairness you might now consider upgrading him from good friend to excellent friend!

Hopefully he'll get more pleasure from knowing his buddy is using the bike than he used to get from looking at it languishing on his garage wall.