Has anyone dropped acid......

I think now might be the perfect time to to submit evidence to you heathens that purple is wrong.....it was wrong in the nineties and it's still wrong!

Exhibit one....

Now just look at that galvanised rail it's leaning on? Classy dullness that doesn't offend....almost looks right in a natural environment ...

Exhibit two....


Remnant of a polished seatpost that had been detained for too long by galvanic imprisonment!

I think this proves the case that purple is a crime of the most heinous kind.

I think m'luddites the case of purple is closed!
Park your bike at street level outside a multi storey car park.

Get a tin of Hammerite, or even some cheap Hammerite-A-Like from Ebay, and climb the to top if the car park.

Carefully lean over the side and pour the paint over the bike from 80 feet up. Hey presto, instant Zolatone.
This is the correct laissez-faire I don't give two !#@?'s
approach to achieving the look required 👍
Let chance be the artistic talent required.

I was wondering as I'm close to the beach just burying it the sand and let two tides a day do its thing....bit of lacquer maybe to preserve the muddy sandy corroded faustiness.
Bitd I bought a set of purple ano qr's ....only colour they had! Saved a 100 g tho 👍

I sprayed em black pretty quickly.....caught a glint of purple in a box of stuff the other day I've I feeling it's one of em.
Best get it hauled up before the judge!