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marc two tone":3fsiulwd said:
FluffyChicken":3fsiulwd said:
FluffyChicken":3fsiulwd said:
I might well be having a busy weekend, Sherwood and Harewood :)
Put me down as possible, depends if I can get the car or not.

Nope, can't come :( . We're Sledging on Ice again

no worries bud. Hope to see you for the jumble ride in york, possibly before. :)
I was hoping to make this one, do a two ride weekend incl Sherwood. But Charlies disabled sledging came up and I'm needed and he loves it.

The York CTC official rides have been announced but i'll get the old CTC post updated.
Oh and Sky have their main City SkyRide dates up
York, Leed, Bradford will be your locals.
Some showers expected to pass through weds/thurs. can only be a good thing as the ground was baked hard last run out. clearing up by friday though making for a overcast/sunny ride.

Ride what you like for this session, front sus may help the bumpy field edges but, not essential. It would be a brave rider to bring a single speed but 'state of the art' not needed either :wink:

Any local cyclists reading this? join in! all welcome!

We take a steady pace and look after each other. ok, laugh and point at mechanical failures but, just as quick to help fix any issues for rider and bike alike.

Roll on saturday :)
Got no choice what to ride Marc as I'm down to 1 bike and a few piles of bits at the mo (it'll be old looking modern for me).
Nick can't make it due to something to do with family (excuses excuses ) but I'll try and find out if Andy's coming (hopefully on a reliable bike this time !!!!). Can't think of anyone else to drum up numbers but I'm looking forward to it and even forgoeing a birthday curry the night before> :shock:
Matthews":1muojawy said:
Very sneaky with the car park , same road as last year but a completely different car park !!!

hehe, we road through it last year on the way to wetherby town centre. gives us a much easier start to the ride, flat for 3 miles and off-road. :wink: And of course an easy finish on the way back in, the ride is an out-and- back but, with a loop half way. sort of a lollipop shape :) .

I can recommend a spare tube or two on this route as every time i've ridden it i get a puncture, without fail. generally thorns near field edging.

Not that i'm praying for rain or owt but...the deterioration in weather needn't put anybody off! the small amount we have had and due to get is a benefit to the trails and, much of harewood is well surfaced stuff. Nothing liike mud-fest but i can't out rule some soft patches. should be a good ride 8)
Rich Aitch":2wih733r said:
So are we meeting at the carpark up the steep hill bit on the right as you come from Weatherby?

The carpark is on linton road, not to be confused with linton lane. Imagine cycling through wetherby centre itself heading past the bus station and up the short incline so the market place is on your right, it bears left at a pedestrian crossing, keep following that road (westgate) until you reach a mini roundabout, now bear left (signed for sicklinghall/ linton) you are now on linton road. what must be 100yrds or so the entrance to the carpark is on the right...


I can pick you up at Leeds central rich :wink:

I will endevour to hover about at the carpark entrance to act as a beacon. I'm 4' 5" with long, shoulder length hair so, you can't miss me. :)

Using the link above, if you look left and ahead you will see a small bridge(you've gone too far) but beyond that is the junction with linton lane which will take you down through linton where we met for the country cruise(wrong carpark). look to the right and shoot down, you will come to a junction where westgate meets linton road, this is now a mini-roundabout(kinda out-dated map) :?

The meet point is virtually in wetherby, no main roads or steep hills involved to get to it. If all else fails you could do a lot worse that get into wetherby centre and ask for LINTON ROAD CARPARK, next to station gardens. Essentially the meet point is more or less opposite the golf course at the end of the harland way, ex railway to spofforth.
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