Happy 6th Birthday Retrobike!

Happy Birthday RB!

Three cheers for the site, it's creator John, and the ever growing number of people that still make it what it is, a genuinely friendly, helpful and nice place to hang out.

After all these years, it's still a nice and friendly place to prattle on about old bikes. That is such an achievement in web forum world, I think you should all be proud of making it what it is.


happy birthday retrobike , your still the best bit of the tinternet

you must be a proud father john

raises cup of vending machine "coffee"
What did we do without it??? It seems like so much part of daily life, it's hard to image the internet without it.
I've bought and sold loads of stuff, enjoyed great threads with brilliant pictures of awe inspiring bikes and met some great riding buddies too.
Many happy returns Retrobike!
Me too is lured into the mystical world of the bicycles from the past.
I've been slowly indoctrinated and now there is now way back.
I need to collect and ride rigid steel 18 or 21 speed bikes more and more and spend my evenings browsing ads, searching for parts to feed my retro hunger.

But I love it!
Thanks RB, hope to be here for another 6(0) years.