super cool and seems to be in great condition, so looks like a real steal. someone please buy it and travel over to pick it up so that I may exploit your effort and kindness and try it once or multiple times.
Fair question, but seems we're having this dance over every unique piece. It's a Hanebrink. And a very very fat tired bike. Hand made in the land of burned down very very expensive mansions. Was on the cover of MBA. Rare and unique. Seems to be in pretty good condition. And sold from Japan, where old retro mtb things are sometimes sold cheaply but most often sold expensively. The seller sets a price what he is willing to sell for. You may then haggle and argue and get the price down and buy it for less and have it shipped. Or just leave it and be disappointed that you are not wealthy enough to consider the price ok. Either way life goes on, and Trump is still in charge of your former colony, which is a much bigger disappointment, all things considered. ;)

here's another : https://www.ebay.com/itm/HANEBRINK-...ke-Suntour-XC-Pro-Full-Overhaul-/387596889445
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