Handlebars + aero bars. Job lot or individually priced.


Retro Guru
Either available as a job lot for £60 collected in York or individually as priced below. Postage for the lot will be £10 and about £5 per set of bars.

Pro Vibe 7s mid drop track bars - 39ish cm. £20 (amazing track bars, I just don't have a track bike any more!)
Deda pista track bars - £15.
Deda Newton -£10
Deda piega - £10
Deda rhm 02 - £10
Specialized ergo bars £10
ITM anatomica 330 £8
Syncros aero bars with brake levers and extensions plus adjustable pro stem £25

Pictures of all here: https://imgur.com/a/yoouwT2

Bugger, knew I'd forgotten something.



Not quite as many, but that open pro is in very good condition. Silver ones are some 27" ones.

Just after £35 posted for the lot (that's basically the open pro and some freebies).

Edit: I really ought to take more time with the photos. They're nice rims, hence why I've kept them. I'll take some better photos including braking surfaces tomorrow!