Half dead bird! 86 Swallow ptarmigan (re re model...page 11)

Re: Half dead bird! Swallow ptarmigan build

The last post.....or actually a short post.

Having only ridden the original bike round the garden a few laps before dissembling it, i paid little attention to the position of the seat post.

When i decided to install the post, i found that, (using some test bed wheels and chainset) im only 7 mm from the " point of no return" on the 300mm post......hummm.

Whilst normally i would go with this; in such a nice older frame i decided that 70mm probably is not enough to be safe/ happy given my height/ weight and leverage. Im a great believer in the older you are the more support you require......in all things.

Luckly it turns out SJS have old style 400mm kalloy posts ( for that was what the original was) for just £15.00. Only issue was they have modern decals.

Glad to report this is not an issue as having given the credit card a kicking, the post arrived and the decals can very easily be polished off with scotchbrite pad ( brown). Quick autosol and buff and bobs your auntie.

It also gave me the opportunity to swap to silver from black, which will allow the complimentary use of a nice original 150mm prestige chrome t-bone ive been squirreling.

I think its better as too much black on the white frame was just too jarring

Another thing to point out is that these post have a bad reputation for not gripping the seat and them tilting. Ive had several of these with no issues after a quick modification. Namely taking a small Triangular file to the " teeth" on the clamp. Cutting every other one twice as deep seriously improves the grip.


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Re: Half dead bird! Swallow ptarmigan build

Leverage.....we all have our favourite brake levers.

For me its always been Tommaselli racer, giant levers from the days before mtb groupsets, when parts were stolen from motorcross and when old wienmann drop levers were squeezed flat in vice, then over tightened to fit the wrong size bars....raleigh equipe trackies and jumpers for goal posts.....etc etc. Arrrhhhhh, nostalgia.....its not what it used to be.

Anyway, my "go to" has always been m733 2 finger xt jobbies. They were on my first racing bike and i just got to grips with them, so to speak. I also had a bit of of a dalliance with ritchey and xc pro too, but i always go back......bit like the dorris! ( joke, incase its listening in).

So for this project i pulled out a pair from the shed depths, but soon realised they just looked wrong. Hummmm. So i tried mt62s just incase it was the all black on a light bike.......Hummmmmmm, still wrong.

As i last ditch i grabbed a pair of 4 finger m732, and just like Cinderella the shoe fitted.

I think its the solidity and scale of the bike and frame that just needs a bit of "chunky" to make it work.

So decisions made and before i slip into " analysis paralysis " it time to actually fit some of these revived bits.

Photos will follow of something more interesting.....i promise.


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Re: Half dead bird! Swallow ptarmigan build

Cockpit. Thats were its at. Ive had a couple of days away on another project, but more on that later.

Nice easy job for slightly hungover 1st day of 2021. Zoom......i blame zoom.

I dug out the shifters from the loft of delights and the refinished levers from the dawes and slipped them on.

Sound simple enough......well, as the original bars were quite scratched and there was only so far i wanted to sand them out ( dont worry they are hefty steel), i had the guys double powder coat them to get rid of the last of the marks. They look great, but it makes the clamps tighter than a ducks suspender belt.

One trick i've picked up is the use of construction spacers as both levers and wedges for brake levers, stems, shifters etc. They are strong enough to lever a bit, but they dont scratch as much as an old screwdriver! Also if you wedge a bit in ( they come in various thicknesses), you can move the item up and down the bars without scaring the bars for life.

I then decided to set up the rear u brake and fit both sets of blocks. Wow i had forgotten how pernickety they can be about the boss they are on. But after a bit of sanding, refitting, sanding, greasing, scraping and smoothing paint, sanding and greasing, they are moving like a greased goose.

Fitting the blocks whilst holding the ubrake is tricky......but having gone inside and got out my trained octopus all is well. Suckers are great for these jobs.

Next is the cables and chain and get it moving.

Happy new year.


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Re: Half dead bird! Swallow ptarmigan complete

Good and bad news......its always that way.

The last leg always seems to be the worst, and in keeping with this, once again im let down by a dodgy dealer on fea- bay.

Ordered 25m roll of jagwire cex outer cable as i had finished my last one.. firstly its lost in post, then its not beeen sent, then its in the post, then its out of stock, then it arrives- without notice.....just chucked on the driveway! Nice.

When i open it 2 days later to fit the brakes, it turns out its not jagwire and its not even lined! Its generic crap i would not use on a kids bike!

Fortunately, ebay did me right, especially as the advert actually says jagwire cex and has a picture of a roll in a box......which is what i was expecting.

These muppets are still selling it as this on ebay, even though i pointed this out, so beware.

Good news....its finished.

So here are some photos. Test ride results to follow, when my cold recedes.


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Re: Half dead bird! Swallow ptarmigan build

Also, thanks to all you watchers.....its nice to know your not alone. Cheers

Thats very Tidy... 8)

Id Pop that straight onto BOTM... 8)

I like that. Very much. Have you got a side on shot to see the geometry?
Any thoughts on the ride? I know you had some questions over the size etc.
Cheers guys. Im going to try to get out on my own at some pont this week to give it a run and see how it handles as ive only ridden it round the farm so far!

Was hoping to get out today, but decided to do some " ice blasting " on my " modern" scott instead. Wow its cold!
it looks like a big one, I love it, if your keeping the tyres, keep an eye out for a IRC Rear Mythos, may not be easy to find but a nice finishing touch.