HAIR - all coming off from the GROM, for a cancer charity....IT’S ALL OFF....


Old School Grand Master
The retroGrom has LONG hair. Really long. That’s him in the red helmet at the back. And from age 13-15 he has grown it for a charity which uses the hair to construct wigs for young people who have lost their hair through cancer treatment. This is such an important charity for young cancer sufferers, and really helps them through very difficult times. His hair is plaited and then cut, and then sent to Little Princess for wig making. And he is hoping also to raise money for the charity through sponsorship - anyone willing and able to donate can do so by going to:

Very many thanks


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It’s done!!!!! Here’s before, after and the results....

And it’s weird holding the plaits - like handling sleeping Rattle Snakes....

Today the Grom’s hair has been washed (carefully following the instructions, so no conditioner), then plaited, and then cut. Currently drying, and then will go in the post to Little Princess wig-making, then out to cancer patients.

Thanks for your kind contributions - between RetroBike and SnowHeads - 260gbp - very many thanks from us here to all of you generous people...



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