Hahahahaha how much??? Hahahahaha!!!!

There's a bit of alright on their other 'mountain bike' listings...not giveaway prices, but some nice frames
This seller does have some nice stuff but unfortunately only wants to ship in the US. Didn't reply to messages when I wanted to buy a frame off him.
My pockets certainly aren't that deep, but is it bad that I've always quite fancied one of those ? :oops:

I had one - and I loved it as a bike. Less appealing was the tendency for things to break (once the drop out snapped off at speed which resulted in concussion). I had two replacement frames, then broke another - and decided to give up on it.

This isn't a terrible price for a nos frame (I doubt there many out there), but it's not a bargain either. Fair price is probably no more than half the asking. But even then you are missing some fittings for the front mech which are quite hard to get hold of.
There's a bit of alright on their other 'mountain bike' listings...not giveaway prices, but some nice frames
I've had several good experiences buying from this seller.
This seller does have some nice stuff but unfortunately only wants to ship in the US. Didn't reply to messages when I wanted to buy a frame off him.
I can help with this, but it involves 2 shipping fees:
One, from seller to me, and
Another, from me to you
No such screaming or idolatry required, but good Karma and reciprocal across-the-pond favors always appreciated.
PM me for details.