Guy Martin - Spitfire restoration

Re: Re:

Mike Muz 67":11385wc8 said:
Yes it was a bit of a let down when the complete engine turned up . Then that £150, 000 prop. Now I'd loved to have seen the engineering involved in THAT!
I was also quite shocked at the restrictions on the plane. Fuel for one hour, albeit at up to 350mph and only ammunition for 14 seconds, not a lot is it?
Liked the BMW part though ! :LOL:

And the later P51 Mustang with the same engine could escort bombers all the way to Germany, have a punch-up with a few FW190's over Berlin, and then fly back attacking the odd target on the ground on the way to use up any unspent ammo.
What was interesting was the little facts, like the pins holding the wing assemblies in place being such a tight tolerance, that the heat of his hands increased the diameter enough for them not to fit!!
Re: Re:

highlandsflyer":2tjoitxn said:
The guy is an inspiration, and I can't say that about too many people a generation younger than me!

Only one generation mate ? ;)


Crikey, you're younger than me ! :oops: :facepalm:

I have just read his autobiography. It's a great read actually, proper
