guilty to shooting a cat


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4k euros for killing a cat? Nice to see the Italian authorities putting a price on a life. No excuse for that; should have thrown away the key.

"I was testing my air rifle by aiming it at a cats head". What did he think would happen?

Glad his employer/team aren't dusting it under the carpet and taking decisive action, oh no wait 20 days off unpaid....

Given that one of Trek's senior execs is a self publicising pet fosterer, that may well change.
ACAB is pretty common. Not too long ago I found 'ACAT' sprayed on a building. My first thought: All Cats Are Terrible.
ACAB is pretty common. Not too long ago I found 'ACAT' sprayed on a building. My first thought: All Cats Are Terrible.

Btw i have a true story, there was someone here, who always aimed his car to hit a cat if he was seeing one crossing. Killed many of them for sure, but one day he made an attempt again to kill one, lost control of his car, smashed to a tree, and died.
I think it was well deserved. He was in his '20s.

Other thing, the biker will be banned from San Marino, or something like that if i recall correctly, because they don't need people like that. I think it's more than 4000 euros, which he pays easily, at least makes San Marino a safer place for cats

Btw i have a true story, there was someone here, who always aimed his car to hit a cat if he was seeing one crossing. Killed many of them for sure, but one day he made an attempt again to kill one, lost control of his car, smashed to a tree, and died.
I think it was well deserved. He was in his '20s.

Other thing, the biker will be banned from San Marino, or something like that if i recall correctly, because they don't need people like that. I think it's more than 4000 euros, which he pays easily, at least makes San Marino a safer place for cats
Was the tree alright?

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