Karma GT U-brake seatpost cable guides

My buddy‘s bike shop is closing and I rescued a handful of them to assist anyone with keeping their GT alive. These aren’t 100% necessary to functionality, but do complete a bike to OEM spec. I’m in the US, but will happily ship one (worldwide) to you for the cost of postage.

If you are overseas and promise to pay it forward to others in need, I can send you several.

I also have 2 GT clamping stem cable hangers for front cantilever brakes (1 1/8” steerer) for the cost of postage as well.

I could do with 2 of them.
I’m in uk and i can karma the rest on to anyone after one here if that ok.
Deal, @Bawgixer! I’ll hold on to 1 or 2 for any US takers and send the rest to you. PM your address and I’ll send a photo of the lot tomorrow morning. They’ll go in the mail on Tuesday.
I could do with a one, these are the same as the S-bike ones and the one on mine is broken.

So I could I get my name down for one please and thank you😀
Wow, I wasn’t expecting this much demand. There are 8 guides and 2 hangers. I put them on ebay last month for $.99 and the only thing that sold was one cable guide. :LOL:

To all - Let me know if you’re in the US or somewhere that can’t be shipped from Scotland (Bawgixer) so I can separate those out from the pile.

If you are in the UK part of the world, Bawgixer will likely be your contact as one shipment across the pond will be the most economical.

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I could use one hanger and one or two cable guides please.
I'm in the EU
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