Interesting. Thanks for the heads up.
As a business when we buy items, to work out an offer price, we have to calculate how much it will get in the local market if we want to sell it within a certain time frame. This can make collectable items quite good value.
We do get some items though that are far more valuable in an online sale than over the counter.
Of course then we need to add ebay's14% (to our margin and 20%vat), the real cost of packing it up, and the higher liability of transport and not having customer in the shop, so the price needs to be considerably higher.
I'll offer it on ebay this week and see what happens
But I really don't mind having interesting, quality vintage stuff hanging around

, although sometimes it can attract dreamers.
Or i end up buying it myself
The number of people who were
definitely coming back to buy our yo eddy a couple of years ago was unbelievable