GT Collection

To Keep or not to Keep the 2001 GT Collection

  • Keep the hoard and revel in lonely retro goodness

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • Discard the hoard on E-Bog and buy shiny new trinkets

    Votes: 7 58.3%

  • Total voters


Devout Dirtbag
Right first up this is not a for sale thread disguised as a topic I seriously need some advice.
I have a collection of Year 2001 GT Mountain bikes almost every bike from the aggressor up, I am only missing a GT avalanche 3, aggressor1, and I-drive xc race and a good condition ruckus 1. I have every other mountain bike in that catalogue (and the catalogue given to me in 2001 by off beat bikes Fort William when I bought my first new mountain bike a GT aggressor 2 2001 ball burnished (still have it!) because I couldn't afford a Zaskar!) except the kids/timberlines and road bikes (although I have 1 or 2) I also have some 2000 Zaskar x Zaskar xcr 2000 and Zaskar team.

The issue is I am getting itchy feet, should I endeavour to complete the collection (to what reason except smug self satisfaction!?) or should I start off loading these bikes to people who may actually use them rather than keep them locked up in my shed.
It should be noted I am trying to keep them as original as possible but not to the exact spec and some creative licence has been used to complete some of the builds ie hope brake instead of hayes etc.

Please vote at the top and obviously if anyone is willing to help me complete my collection that would be massively appreciated (some members on here have already been very helpful ba57ards and ishaw amongst others) but I think some are just not going to appear particularly the I drive race.

Any help from current hoarders or hoarders who have thinned there collection and now lead normal lives let me know!!!!
Some pics to follow of the story so far.............
If you have the space keep them and get the full set fir titak smugness bordering on nuttiness.
Bikes that age probably wont sell for much.
oh great sell the gt collection on ebay u have any idea how much i already want the gt zaskar u got on there atm

Start thinning out the collection now.

If you complete the collection you know what'll happen.... Shortly after you'll be selling them anyway to satisfy those itchy feet. Might as well start selling now.
Ultimately, thin the hoard, but complete the collection first. To chop it all now when completing the catalogue (is that a 'thing'?!) has obviously been a target for so long, would only guarantee you'll look back in a year or so time and wish you had.

Get the last three bikes together (6-12 month's work), enjoy the satisfaction of 'completing the catalogue' for a good 10-15 minutes, then take a long hard look in the mirror and ask yourself what you are doing with your life/money. Then flog them on eBay.

Not sure if completing a catalogue is "a thing" I believe I might be a very special sad case, I have been collecting for about 6 years and have never come across the idrive race here or abroad I have an old mbr where pauls cycles was dishing them out at about £1400 not sure how many they ever sold though!
on separate note what z1 internals are you looking for BTW? also have some pro2 evo wheels and hubs PM me!
This is just personal opinion, so take it for what it is... but 2001 isn't exactly an exciting time for GT's, and apart from the top end stuff the rest is ho hum (imo of course)...
So if it me, I'd keep the best Zaskar, or make the best zaskar with parts swapping, do the same with the best FS bike, and then jsut unload the rest for whatever, and put all that towards something else, thats what I'd do.

But keep any that you have a special feeling for, get rid of the rest.

Not taking offence but I have always thought that the 2001 bikes were some of the best looking in terms of graphics, after 2001 they went a bit soft in terms of style (obviously the company crashed and they just kept churning out old stock for a few years after!) I like all the bikes from the entry level aggressor to the top end dhi (I remember looking at the catalogue thinking there isn't one bike I wouldn't have!) but now in terms of space and in all honesty my sanity I feel that the money I have invested (even the base aggressor cost me £100! second hand!) could be put to better use, mainly on Peroni and cars! The Dhi team will probably stay regardless of what I decide (much to some peoples disappointment ba57ards!) but the rest even though in good condition I am fearful of selling all the good ones and still being left with the cheeper/less desirable models (unless there is another lunatic like me out there!)
I will likely put the bikes up on here before parting with them if that's what I decide to do but maybe like yourself no one is really interested in the base models, so pictures of the bikes may not be something others want to see.