Greeting from Thailand


Dirt Disciple
Greeting form Bangkok, Thailand. I'm just got in this forum that has very useful infos for my collected bikes. Thanks all of you.
I love the place too, Bangkok is a great place Been many times.

Usally go to koh chang now as I have a business there now.

So what bikes do you have then?
And have you any photos at all?

Really liked Koh Chang. Took ages to get there from Bangkok though. Saw Alisha Dixon fall off the bucking bronco in town when I visited. We were sat next to her and her family but couldn't remember who she was until her Dad called her name. :facepalm:

Koh Samet was my favourite island visited. Wish I could get back.
Yeah koh chang a lot more busy now than when I first went (5 yrs ago)
White sand beach still the main resort area,loads of Russians n Chinese now.

I go out there around 3 times a year it's good to get away, you will find me in paddy palms/15 palms or in ciao Italian restaurant all in white sand beach!

ah ah the farang connection

love bkk too , but i think krung thep needs 10/20 thousand bike on the streets

i rode a bike for rent around chinatown , more dangerous than downhill race :shock:
:D Thank you for your warm welcome. Good to here that you guys love my country.
Besides the political unstability, the country is safe for travel. We've just pass the Songkran festival (water splashing) that milloins of tourist were in town and beach cities. Stil joinful as usaual :)