Green Kona Cindercone mystery

Tallpaul":hex0ppbg said:
The only way to age the 'mystery' frame is see the decals, maybe some frame details like seat-clamp would help, if it's an early one.

It was mentioned above that it has the brazed on seat clamp, which makes it a 1991 Kona.
bazil":31o2137g said:
It was mentioned above that it has the brazed on seat clamp, which makes it a 1991 Kona.

Yes, Mousemats is a '91 - i know that. Development Cycle doesn't mention any such detail for his 'mystery' frame? :?
Tallpaul":291u856u said:
Good point, i thought that Kona stopped offering colour options after '92. But in '96 you could get the Lava Dome in Orange or Green.


They did the fire mountain in 2 different options one year too, think it was 98 ish black was one option and blue was the other.
Tallpaul":3fde0wrr said:
Lava Dome was green in 1996.

I thought this was a '95 Cinder Cone, but might not be original colour?


Yes, that metallic blue/green is the colour scheme from the 95 catalogue. I have a picture of it but I'm not clever enough to upload it here (not a JPEG)
Tallpaul":12eaytlc said:
Lava Dome was green in 1996.

I thought this was a '95 Cinder Cone, but might not be original colour?


This is a cinder cone from 96 but there was a second color.

green 1991 cinder cone

I remember that greenish colour. It was a 1991 model, as illustrated by the lack of seat-collar. With lugs for the seat quick release. The colour was like a greenish/bronze colour, more green though. A friend of mine had one.
Ok then guys, just to end this discussion then, here are the reasons for starting it. I had a brand new gold Explosif bought from the '92 range, and thought I remembered the Cindercone from the same range being green, having been corrected by mousemat and checked the catalogues I now know it to have been red in '92.

My friend has the identical bike to the one mousemat is now selling, so it must in fact be a '91 rather than a '92 as I thought. I also thought I remembered the Cindercone from '91 being gold rather than green, but maybe the confusion was from the catalogue, as it is called Cinder Gold, and looks gold in the catalogue, but is in fact green in almost any light, but if you move around the bike in daylight you can see hints of gold.

Mystery closed, thank you all for your help. Sorry mousemat for hijacking your thread in the beginning, and good luck with the sale, that was, and still is a bloody good bike, and I can't believe you are only selling it for that much. Some-one will have a fantastic buy