Great news. Ebay drops seller charges!

My wife put a coat up at £50, but if I looked on my account, ebay has hiked the price to £52.40
So the buyer protection fee is shown to the buyer, but hidden from the seller.

She told a buyer she'd accept£45, but when they counter offered £45, the offer to her appeared as £42.34...

This is why loads of items have odd pennies in the prices atm.

My business account is unaffected by this nonsense - although I pay them 14%, including on postage.

If I advertise at £50, that's how it appears to buyers (we reversed the previous check)
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My wife put a coat up at £50, but if I liked on my account, ebay has hiked the price to £52.40
So the buyer protection fee is shown to the buyer, but hidden from the seller.

She told a buyer she'd accept£45, but when they counter offered £45, the offer to her appeared as £42.34...

This is why loads of items have odd pennies in the prices atm.

My business account is unaffected by this nonsense - although I pay them 14%, including on postage.

If I advertise at ,£50, that's how it appears to buyers (we reversed the pervious check)

It tells you when you list the item what the buyer fee is. Ive adjusted some prices down to still be round numbers to the buyer

Also if you go into your own profile on the app by clicking the username it displays the prices the buyer sees.
Thanks. So seller gets all the money and we pay more to cover it. Figures.
But it's called a 'buyer protection fee' so it's all to make buyers feel more confident or whatever. A total scam calling it that as there are already distance selling regulations, INAD, PayPal and credit provider protections etc. all protecting buyers.
Buyer fees do bring the auction part of it in line with every other auction anywhere ever, but it being added to the B-I-N option?
But it's called a 'buyer protection fee' so it's all to make buyers feel more confident or whatever. A total scam calling it that as there are already distance selling regulations, INAD, PayPal and credit provider protections etc. all protecting buyers.
Buyer fees do bring the auction part of it in line with every other auction anywhere ever, but it being added to the B-I-N option?
They’ve just relabelled their fees from seller to buyer
Early days, but (aside from the mad un-rounded prices that the add on spits out) I think I prefer it that way.

I buy and sell. As a buyer you have more choice so can dial in what you want to pay, offer, haggle. And there are more buyers to seller (per transaction if that makes sense). As a seller, taking the eBay hit meant covering costs and hedging and erring on the side of not a bargain. There is more incentive now to lower prices. Isn’t there?
Early days, but (aside from the mad un-rounded prices that the add on spits out) I think I prefer it that way.

I buy and sell. As a buyer you have more choice so can dial in what you want to pay, offer, haggle. And there are more buyers to seller (per transaction if that makes sense). As a seller, taking the eBay hit meant covering costs and hedging and erring on the side of not a bargain. There is more incentive now to lower prices. Isn’t there?

Works out the same though really doesn’t it.

I’ll try to explain my view on it. Everything has a max value. Whether it includes fees , postage or whatever. Its value is what someone will pay.

If I list an item at £30… they buyer will see £31.92. If the item was listed at £31.92 on the old system i would have ended up with about the same after fees so it’s no different.

But in reality what happens is that the buyer won’t pay £31.92 , so they make an offer at £25. The offer which actually comes through would be circa £23 to me. Fees still come out whichever way it happens. Basically the difference between the selling price and what the seller receives is the fee.
I guess the real difference is that private seller fees used to be 10%. That must have reduced the number of listings from private sellers, given the sheer number of "80% off final fees promotions" they ran.

This way around there is no disincentive to list as seller , and eBay always gets 5%.
I guess the real difference is that private seller fees used to be 10%. That must have reduced the number of listings from private sellers, given the sheer number of "80% off final fees promotions" they ran.

This way around there is no disincentive to list as seller , and eBay always gets 5%.
Yes: as a seller you had to second guess and load the (often complex including ‘regulatory operating’ fees ) extras on to your ‘want’ price to make a ‘list’ price. That disincentive is removed. But managing offers is now a bit more involved.
Thought I'd give the eBay postage option a go, buy their label so to speed up the process. Wrong. Postie has arrived 2 days running with no label. Cheers eBay - now I need to buy more expensive postage to make up for lost time. Guess I'll stick to purchasing it myself and denying you the shares.

Rant over.
Not just the fees - the new payment rules came in. Ebay get to hold your cash until proof of delivery + a few more business days.
Not bad, the amount of interest they will make on holding all the cash for an extra week or two.

I suspect that sending things without recorded delivery is no longer an option.Quite bad for ~£10 stuff that might not be worth posting for £4.

Furthermore, if the postie fails to scan your item properly, it will never automatically track through their system, so you might have to contact RM for proof of delivery. I've had 2 new teenage-looking posties starting their job recently - clueless and couldn't care much for doing their job properly...Point the flashy thingie at the QR code and move on, whether it worked or not.

Not sure if it's still the case but RM were charging extra (!!!) for dropping off medium & large-sized parcels at the post office recently. So if you want a printed receipt, you have to pay extra.