Gordon Gekko mtb


Retro Guru
I have a Gordon Gekko, retro looking mtb. I can find nothing about them on the web except a company that does folding bikes (and a character in the film Wall St!). A lbs guy says he's heard of them and has seen a couple of them in Hull.

Mine is blue with a cro mo tange frame and stx rear mech. Anyone got any info on these?
Gekko is a brand that distributes bikes in Norway. Nothing much to say on them - they are just labelled Gekko
Does it look a little like this?
I guess you'd have to google for them. They were formed in 1992, but in 2002 became the house brand of some largely Oslo based sports shops named Anton sport, and they've been rebranding mass produced frames of varying merit since then.

The other big rebranded mark is Bros (unfortunate) distributed by Bike Bros. They're from pretty decent to very nice , like Merlin, but you see hundreds of them and they have had a habit of some really nasty graphics
I'll put pics on over weekend. Mine is an early one and is a decent bike....good kit on it. No nasty graphics either! It's not like the above one as it's Gekko as opposed to Gecko. Seems to be the Norwegian make.

I am thinking of selling as it's too small for me really!