gift gaff sim data question


Gold Trader
I do not have wifi at home and therefore rely on a data goody bag from gift gaff of 3gig for £12.50 for my tablet
But is isn't enough particularly when the kids come around and watch YouTube and I need more data.
Gift gaff also offer a mobile goody bag with x amount of text and mins and unlimited data. What is stopping me buying one and using it in my tablet?
Okay...I can't
Best thing then is to use my phone for tethering...currently I am with o2 but their packages are rubbish, my contract ends soon but even a new contract has a Max of 4gig.
So...get my s2 unlocked and buy a 3 sim with unlimited data with can be tethered seems the best move?
Just one thing to mention - not sure whether it applies to data only sims, or not - but for at least some networks, or virtuals, unlimited data rarely is - some have fair / acceptable use policies, and 3.5G or above, my see you being throttled or traffic managed for data access via your sim, for that month.

All I'm saying - check the small print, and if it's not specific / explicit, check what their fair / acceptable use policy is for data access via your sim.
Harryburgundy":2jgldqwv said:

It does seem to state that it is unlimited on the One plan?

Well I did say some - depends who you're going with.

I have "unlimited" data on my contract (not with 3, though), but I believe there's soft limits and throttling / traffic shaping that can be implemented if you exceed. I know for certain other virtuals do (I've read it in their Ts and Cs).

All I meant to point out, is that it's worth checking the fine print, because often, "unlimited" isn't quite as unlimited as you might think. And around 3.5 - 4 G per month, is when some providers kick-in with their soft limits and traffic management.