Sold Giant ATX870 £20 collect Woking

Splatter Paint

Retrobike Rider
Built from bits from the tip
Circa 1997, blue, alloy frame
Judy T2 forks
DX v-brakes
Axtec brake pads
Shimano 3 x 8 gears
Will chuck in a spare pair of STX wheels
Snapped off bolt (and drill bit :( ) in one of the rack mount holes
Rims drilled out from presta to Schrader
Adjuster on rear mech seized, but it seems to be seized in about the right settting.

19.5” c-c / 21” c-t top tube

The elastomers were wrecked, so I took an elastomer from another fork and chopped it half. I then drilled a small hole in the top for the adjusters to locate into. They seem to work OK.

I’ve done about 30 miles on it, no bother. However, bear in mind that it is built from other people’s scrap so should be considered for parts only.

£20 collected from Woking

Photos tomorrow in daylight
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