Getting shot of a wart

Liquid nitrogen and a cotton swab at the doc's the ideal removal.

I had two that were successfully removed; one on my knee that I dug out with needle nose pliers and one that the doc froze with N2. Unsuccessful was Dr Scholls liquid remover (salicylic acid) which only killed the top layer of skin.

I have one which recently appeared on the pad of my ring finger. For this I will use the backyard mechanic's method (recommended by a friend): get a piece of plastic 3+ mm thick with a hole the same size as the wart and use it as shield/guide to avoid contact with surrounding tissue. Use an aerosol duster spray can upside down to discharge sub-zero liquid onto the wart to freeze it. Spray long enough to thoroughly freeze or it will grow back.
Find a friendly cat and get it to lick the wart.
This wasn't a joke, it inadvertently worked for me. Years ago I had a wart that kept coming back despite applying various treatments. Then one day I was visting someone who owned a cat. The cat sat on me and I petted it and a short while later the wart was gone and hasn't returned. There must be something in cat spit that kills the wart.
This wasn't a joke, it inadvertently worked for me. Years ago I had a wart that kept coming back despite applying various treatments. Then one day I was visting someone who owned a cat. The cat sat on me and I petted it and a short while later the wart was gone and hasn't returned. There must be something in cat spit that kills the wart.
Burn the Witch 🤣
There's nitrogen kits in the chemists my way for 10-15 quid. Do they work? Getting to see our doctor for a minor thing, 4 months...!
After having to deal with multiple verruca's and my daughters feet who are both swimmers I have tried most things, I have had some success with the Nitrogen kits but you do need to push hard for at least 20 seconds and it can be painful, sometimes works sometimes doesn't. The thing I've had most success with is Bazuka Extra works fantastically, you do need to use it over a couple of weeks but helped clear up a huge verruca outbreak where the nitrogen failed

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