Getting a frame blasted....

retrowagen1234":1fn7eeq2 said:
Ok cool. I was worried about the iron blasting. Had heard of it but wasnt sure on what circumstances its used.

Dont need it powdercoated so hopefully keep the price down... Its hopefully going to be professionally painted anyway... (the first of the two frames)

So medium glass bead.... Perfect...

Oh and just one more thing... Anyone ever tried doing it at home with a compressor? Guessing a frame is too big to get in the common blasting cabinet haha

Cheers guys :D

Usual disclaimer - no connection other than as a satisfied customer, blah, blah - but as you're in this neck of the woods, worth giving Trestan Finishers over at Woolston a call (02380 433081). Not pricey and they do a good job.
