Genesis Caribou refresh!


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
so a while a go i had a Genesis Caribou fat bike, i really liked it, after 5 years i sold it to a customer, that customer came in a few months ago and asked if i'd part exchange it against a new Orange P7, i don't usually do that but i liked the bike so i thought i would.

my plan was simple, get it painted, something loud to make it stand out, service anything that needed doing and if i happened to have a 12speed gear set lying around from when i upgraded my Stage Evo to electric gears then bonus i can upgrade this as well. so as the shop is quiet i finished a couple of retro bikes this morning. i knew the frame was on the way back so i had already prepped the parts so it was just a case of waiting for it to arrive then get building!

here's the result!!

yes i know!!! it burns your eyes! 😆 😆 😆 :cool:







You won't be able to hide when riding that.... o_O:cool:
Never ridden a fat bike, not sure what they're for really? That race across Alaska in winter comes to mind, but not much else? Enlighten me please!
@foz i got it originally for a laugh, then 2 others got the same bike, for one of those guys it was his return to biking, 7 years later he did the tour divide! i digress, like i said initially it was for a laugh, but then i found it fun, i was much fitter at the time but i like the fact that no one expects speed out of a fat bike, so there is less pressure to be seen as fast/fit etc.

in terms of terrain though, yes they were designed for snow originally but they are also good on gravel and sand and i also find they are good on claggy mud, all these things mean they are good locally to me in the new forest. they also have minimal repair bills as it's just a drive train and pads, no suspension to kill over the winter etc.

here's a vid from a few years ago on the Isle of Wight. i'm black kit with white helmet and a backpack

and here's one of us in the new forest, i'm in the yellow and black top

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