funky bike!!! ugly more like, check this out!!

"Please note: the yellow on the wheels will not be as hard-wearing as a factory finish but should wear evenly and gracefully."
It'll look shocking in days, and that's forgetting that the brakes won't work, the gears won't work, the chain will start flaking in minutes, the cassette and chainrings will flake sooner and it'll look like a turd in a week!!
Are they blatantly selling stolen bikes brazenly by spraying them up to look 'good'?! :shock:
im so shocked i have just sat looking at it for 5 minutes :shock: :shock: :shock:

soooo do you thin kit has been completely disassembled, each part cleaned and sprayed, and then lovingly put back together with oodles of grease, or have they just sprayed everything with gay and reckless abandon :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: