I very much highly doubt that the one you quoted from craigslist is a Titanium at all! Too light in color, wrong frame specs and so on. I bet money on the seller not even knowing which material his frame is made of! I would bet, its a regular late 80s early 90s FUNK Pro-Comp Alloy!
By the way: I am Combat Titanium owner number 18... or so .-)
I very much highly doubt that the one you quoted from craigslist is a Titanium at all! Too light in color, wrong frame specs and so on. I bet money on the seller not even knowing which material his frame is made of! I would bet, its a regular late 80s early 90s FUNK Pro-Comp Alloy!
By the way: I am Combat Titanium owner number 18... or so .-)
I contacted the seller, and I'll be driving up her way next weekend to see the bike. She said that her uncle used to be a welder for Funk Cycles and that he gave it to her in about 2005. When I asked his name, she said Merle Tabes (sp?), and that he's in his 80's now. I'll try to get a clarification next time I speak with her.
She said that she rode the bike around in college and it's been sitting in her garage for years. She said that her uncle told her it was Ti, but she also said it was powder coated. The spots you see on the left side of the top tube are bare metal where the powdercoat had been chipped away, and it certainly looks like aluminum to me. Here's another pic that she sent me.
So I guess that settles it. I'd hate to be the one that tells her that it's really aluminum, and that her uncle was mistaken (or perhaps lied?). Did he really even work for Funk, or perhaps did Funk actually work for him? Was he in fact a CIA operative who simply used the Funk story as a cover? Were those old "welding injuries" he had really bullet wounds? Was he in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963 carrying an open umbrella on a sunny day? Did he ever go by the names D.B. Cooper, Michael Jackson, or Jim Morrison? Can he moonwalk? People are strange. <cue the Mission Impossible soundtrack>
Soooo.....what's the consensus? Does $900 seem too steep a price for an aluminum Funk, assuming no cracks or dents and that everything works? If so, what would be a reasonable asking price? At the end of the day, it IS an e-stay, and a Funk e-stay at that, so that's good, right? Your opinions please?
Aluminium as I said ...also, all the Titanium Funk frames were welded by a guy called Paolo Salvagione (Designer and creator) and was hired by FUNK to do them. Super rare, only on special order.
Yeah ...thats definitely better! Its gotten out of hand. That is why I didnt answer his questions more. Its about your swap-wish and not about any other bike here. Or if its good or not or if a deal should be done or not there at craigslist!