BoTM Funk Pro Comp is B.o.T.M. October 2010

Bike of The Month
The October 2010 Bike of The Month contest was taken by wtb_rider's Funk Pro Comp . The Funk will be featured in next month's mbr magazine and wtb_rider will receive a year’s subscription to the magazine. Yet another super strong month with numerous potential winners, it's well worth checking the thread out here.
The full results are as follows
1. wtb_rider's Funk Pro Comp
2. Woody's 1991 Rocky Mountain Blizzard
3. oneschnark's Mountain Goat 'Golden Goat'

Now taking nominations for the November 2010 'Carbon Special' BoTM here. Don't forget winner will receive a years mbr magazine subscription so get polishing those bikes!

Click here for more details and full results

The October 2010 Bike of The Month top three are as follows

1. wtb_rider's Funk Pro Comp


2. Woody's 1991 Rocky Mountain Blizzard

Click here to check out the build thread.


3. oneschnark's Mountain Goat 'Golden Goat'
