Funk A.S.F; another unicorn…

and why not !

Fair play after the journey you've been on I don't think I'd have managed a mock up quite so quickly

is that a plastic dowel acting as the rear pivot bolt 🤪
What's your build plan with it?
I may have missed it if you already mentioned it 🙈
Good question. I have a few ideas but I wanted to get it home first before making too many plans.

New paint? Maybe, probably...

When I first showed Daryl the photos he said the paint scheme made him "grumpy". Can't say I like it either but it is original and in pretty good shape plus the decal on the downtube is a waterslide job, not a sticker like on my Force Gs.

The difficult bit will be coming up with something that hasn't already been done before. Otherwise it'll look like a Shock-a-Billy, AMP etc etc.

I do like this though...

Force G (2).webp
A few Funk's were painted by a guy called Richard Tracy aka "Richart".

He died last year so I was thinking of some sort of homage but I haven't found an image I like yet.
The Stars and Stripes, Velace demin and a couple of others were paint options available from Sevysa and were painted in Switzerland.

Never seen an image of the frame at top or third one down and you can't really the design from these photos.

ProComp1994sevysa.jpg IMG_2665.jpeg
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Thought I’d try and find some replacement bushes before I got started on this - better now than after it’s been painted…

Simply Bearings sell Imperial, oil filled bronze flanged bushes and the smaller/dropout bush (0.250/0.375/0250”) is a stock item. Annoyingly I couldn’t find an exact match for the larger/BB (0.250/0.375/0.375”) one and had to get slightly longer ones (I’m thinking that I can turn them down if necessary).
PM me again for the waterslides ... I can make those. Let me know the exact measurements and I make them and sent you a set for free. In case you repaint it and want the waterslide design again. I have all the other FUNK decal work as well, as you know and in case you need some. Not ALL of every Funk but a lot.

I have to admit, the yellow red paint scheme makes me "grumpy" too. Its hideous! ;-)

The fork of this very frame set is currently in my posession and my work shop (again) for an trueing / alignment job. The owner sais its a little bit bent or out of place :)

Bildschirmfoto 2023-10-26 um 03.01.14.webp
Thanks, this is a slow burner so it might be a while before I get to the decals!

I have another build going on in the >1998 section that’s slowly coming together and finally getting getting some interest. That needs to be sold to be able to finance the ASF but I’m thinking of keeping this lot - too much? IMG_3105.webp