Funk A.S.F; another unicorn…

Now that’s dedication ^^

Gotta be a record for going to collect a frame (first world problems lol)
My initial thoughts were to remove the rear triangle and then put everything in a suitcase. At the moment this isn't going to work as my largest case is too small so I'm going to need to find something while I'm out there.

The next problem is going to be pushing the pivot pins out. I've cobbled this "press" together which might work but I suspect it'll bend as it's made of cheese! I'm also not sure if it'll be wide enough for the BB but let's wait and see. What other tools might I need? IMG_2432.webp IMG_2433.webp
Let the adventure begin… Flight from London to Amsterdam was delayed so I missed the connection to Jakarta. Had to wait at the airport for ten hours before being rebooked via Dubai. Arrived eighteen hours late and without my suitcase. Thirty eight hours, door to door…

The good news is that I now have the frame🎉.. Bad news is that the tools are in the suitcase🙄. Hopefully that’ll turn up tomorrow and I’ll be able to start the dismantling. IMG_2452.webp IMG_2453.webp
Wow. I was in Solo in 1998 and stumbled across a bike shop selling an amazing range of high end bikes. Couldn't believe it, especially the Yeti's. Love to go back.
The case has finally arrived. Not only do I get a change of clothes but I now have tools!

First order of business was to remove the shock. IMG_2477.webp