FS: 'Hmmmm' NOS!

Hmmmm? Don't suppose there were any Mmmhmmm's in the box were there?


I'd settle for a OOOooooo, if you had any?
legrandefromage":18pm6e5r said:
Lysander":18pm6e5r said:
Is it not true that the pre- trek Hmmmm are the ones with the red logo at the back??


Those are still available from ebay, sold from Hong Kong, but beware, as they are not genuine Hmmmm's, but instead they are called Hmmmm.

The difference is subtle, and they may even be from the original factory, but they are still inferior.

EDIT: sorry, wrong section, i should have posted that in the ----->1997 section! mods feel free to remove this.