FS: 'Hmmmm' NOS!


Bin Monkey
BoTM Winner
PoTM Winner
GT Fan
I have manged to find a box of NOS 'Hmmmm'!

Not to be confused with the later, inferior 'Hmmm' (note just the three M's), this the real deal from around 1991.

If you notice, the later 'Hmmm' gets used willy nilly and is nowhere as sought after as the real Hmmmm for those deep chin scratching moments of purchase hesitation.

I'm offering these original retro (pre-1997) 'Hmmmm's free of charge. Just PM for details or 'dibs' here.
I always wanted a Hmmmm, BITD. They had a much better 'dither action' than the later Hmmm, which, if you'll recall, came with a new 'slick-ponder' function that often led to undue haste.
Would have to be proper "just like Moms apple Pie" American Hmmmms... Not that Far east rubbish..
Would you split the box? i really don't have any space for all Hmmm's but could do with a single one. :)