Wanted French threaded freewheel 6 or 7 speed Steel or alloy


Retro Guru
Looking for a French threaded freewheel 6 or 7 speed in good or NOS condition. Willing to purchase, but would also consider a swap for any of the following: 14-22 Maillard 700 Super Course French threaded (5v), and Italian threaded Regina GS Corse SICC (6v) speed 14-22, Regina Extra ORO 13-23 (6v).
Can't you use your maillard french threaded 5 speed and swap just the small cog for a combined double to give you 6?
The cog threads are universal across all BSA, French and Italian freewheel bodies.
If I recall correctly, the cogs with plastic spacers are splined in place (three splines) and have two different internal diameters with the rear most pair being a wider diameter than the others. The top sprocket on a 5 speed and the twin setup for 6 speed screw on to the body and so retain the other sprockets. I believe that the splined cogs are interchangable with some of those on other Maillard 700 models, the threaded sprockets less so.
Thanks for the info. Given the uncertainties involved, I think it's expedient to search for a ready-made 6 or 7 speed French threaded freewheel, but appreciate the option.
I've got a big bag of maillard block spares and can have a look if you want to try the double cog. (no promises of availability though). What sizes would you want your smallest cog to be?
I've got a big bag of maillard block spares and can have a look if you want to try the double cog. (no promises of availability though). What sizes would you want your smallest cog to be?
Thanks @pigman If you have a 12-14, or an 11-13 double that would be ideal to give it a go.
Thanks @Woz : It made a lot of sense though I think the final instruction was a little concerning!:
  • And crack, the sprocket ends up giving way and unscrewing... Otherwise, the thread is in reverse!

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