I understand where you're coming from, however, in reality it doesn't hurt anyone.I'm always a bit disappointed when folks snap up bargins from forumland only for them to crop up on ebay a few weeks later for double the price..
If the bike ultimately ends up in an enthusiasts hands through legal means then where's the harm if an individual senses and seizes an opportunity to profit? It's not like a rare, original and complete classic has been stripped down and broken up.
I'm sure the seller was happy with the price he sold it for, after all he listed it at that price, I gather that he wanted to shift these frames quickly in order to generate some revenue and free up some space, I'm sure he knew there was more money to be had, but of course that would have come with a time penalty. The buyer of that Pace did nothing wrong, I hope to see the frame in the right hands at some point, hopefully on here and if that entrepreneurial individuals gamble and patience pays off for him then salut

I wasn't the buyer of this frame by the way, although I did buy one of the others and intend to build it up.