Frame ID – Nervex pro, double crown, 531? - Any suggestions?


Retro Newbie
Have spent many internet hours trying to ID this track frame which came to me smothered in paint.
It has some very nice features but I have reached no firm conclusions yet . Stripped it right back. See photos. This is where, I think, I have got to -
Nervex Mk 1 pro lugs – usually 1950-55 but could be later if old stock used.
The double fork crown ? Is this the nervex pro crown referred to in the Nervex info on Classic Lightweights as “rarely used”?
No obvious holes in the headtube for a riveted headbadge.
Drilled for brakes , track rear drop out (110mm wide). Eyes on the fork and rear drop outs.
Seat lug has “A” on left side and “73 (degrees) 30 on the other. Takes a 27.2 mm seatpost
Nervex stamp on BB has” 59degrees 30 64 degrees then D22 then (small 2)E38” don't know what they mean
BB shell is 66.5mm wide so not quite 68 and certainly not 70. English thread
BB shows # 1044 at 6 o'clock with the same number on fork steerer tube.
Stout round fork blades with front drop out spacing -95mm .
No other markings anywhere on the frame/ forks.
Weight of the 22.5” c-t frame, bare of paint is 1925gms , forks 828gms = 2753 gms = 6.06 lbs
Seat stay tops and fork crown reminiscent of some Gazelle models but low frame number suggests small scale builder?
Any thoughts or further photos needed ?
All contributions welcome
Many thanks


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Re: Frame ID – Nervex pro, 531? - Any suggestions?

Many thanks for your time information and suggestions . I'll look into those ideas further.
A couple more pics may help
Cheers Sam


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Re: Frame ID – Nervex pro, 531? - Any suggestions?

Hi, very nice frame, nicely done, which means someone who knows what they are doing, just a passing thought ( no real conviction ) maybe an Allin, the serial numbers about right ( wrong place but !!! ) for early fifties, and one of Peter Cobbs trademarks, as well as being a real craftsman, was the nearly joined stays, so just a possible direction to explore. Terry
Re: Frame ID – Nervex pro, double crown 531? - Any suggesti

Thanks Terry , I'll look further into those names
Re: Frame ID – Nervex pro, double crown, 531? - Any suggesti

Very nice, really like the stays........class :D

I came across frames like that made in the 50's with "Cliff Pratt" on them. they were either made downstairs or he had them made and decalled up as a Pratt.... ... pratt.html

I'm not saying the frame is a Cliff Pratt, just that there were a lot of frames about at that time made for shops with no real makers mark on them.

Re: Frame ID – Nervex pro, double crown, 531? - Any suggesti

Many thanks Shaun , following that up .
Re: Frame ID – Nervex pro, double crown, 531? - Any suggesti

All the frame lugs are nervex pro I believe, but can anyone ID the fork double crown?