every spring i find out: here's too much of this and that. this time four black flite titanium seats. in order of the upper picture there's a '97 white logo one, a classic '93 and '95 and a '95 flite alpes that lost the black paint in most places. asing 60€ for each, but 30€ for the '95 alpes. guess this can be somehow refurbished with leather paint, just don't see myself doing it anywhen/soon. shipping costs are not included. will ship worldwide. if your butt instead prefers a fizik gobi or an aged brooks conquest – those are also not needed and collect dust...
here's more detailed pics

that's the 1997 flite

that one is from 1993

this one is from 1995

this is the '95 alpes for a rider or refurb