Fork modification


Retro Guru
I want a set of rigid forks with disc mounts but can't find many that don't come with V mounts as well. Is it me or does leaving a set of unused V mounts look a crap? Anyway, because my budget is limited I was thinking about getting a set of P2's with disc mounts (cheap on ebay) and taking a grinder to the V mounts. The forks are going to be resprayed anyway.

Is this a really stupid plan? Because the P2's are steel I doubt it would weaken them in any way (wouldn't fancy trying it on ali forks).
Not sure what effect it would have on the steel, but will agree canti/v bosses look kind of ugly when not being used. You can probably find some newer disc only P2's on ebay. I have seen them there before.
go for it

V brake pivots are only welded on. cut them back nearly flush then gently grind smooth. Should come up lovely.
Glad to hear I'm not stupid for considering it! Might give it a go, unless I can find some disc only P2's.

JME - I seriously considered the Pace option, but there's a slight problem with them - the rider weight limit. I'm, erm... slightly over it ;)