for the cyclist who has everything

appreciate what exactly ? the skill of the electroplater's ?
the money splashed to secure the components ?
the skill of the mechanic for bolting it together[and i should'nt say too much here cause i have a bit to learn]
yes what do you do ? i would do something virtually impossible...maybe increase scale of everything x 4 or go the other way and make it miniature that way you could sell loads in jewelry shops
cause you said yourself its just for show its never going to be taken seriously as a ride so you might as well
do that !

You could say that about any high end bike gold plated or not its their decision to produce these bikes there must a market for them, it's not to my taste but hey that's life
oonaff":25vw0cmp said:
appreciate what exactly ? the skill of the electroplater's ?
the money splashed to secure the components ?
the skill of the mechanic for bolting it together[and i should'nt say too much here cause i have a bit to learn]
yes what do you do ? i would do something virtually impossible...maybe increase scale of everything x 4 or go the other way and make it miniature that way you could sell loads in jewelry shops
cause you said yourself its just for show its never going to be taken seriously as a ride so you might as well
do that !


Well you could say all bike restoration is a simple matter ... after all bikes are pretty simple machines. So I guess it's all a bit pointless if you see things that way ... Post up some pics of you best restorations, they must be impressive if these efforts are trivial.
i do not think bike restorations are pointless or trivial.
and i cannot post my restorations because i am in the midst of my first
one :D
my appreciation of a bike build comes from build threads showing' worts and all'
and ideas from the restorers and sometimes help and feedback from readers here.[tis hoped]
i have not seen a build thread for that bike.
i wonder if the motive for building it was pure financial gain.
and sticking a c fibre bottle cage on that monster says it all !
Montello":3b98tozv said:
Post up some pics of you best restorations, they must be impressive if these efforts are trivial.

That response seems a bit irrelevant since most people on here are amateur mechanics and restorers, and aren't asking upwards of £10,000 when selling their stuff.

Restorations are also not quite the same as customisations. Part of the skill of restoring is deciding what to keep and what not. Sometimes a single nasty scratch can justify a whole respray. Sometimes a rather rough paint job has its own charms and patina and is worth keeping. Part of the challenge and fun is deciding between these.

Customisations should, IMO, require some creativity and imagination, or something that connects the bike personally to the owner. These bikes just seem to recreate some basic colour schemes with gold in place of chrome plating. Not particularly imaginative - although an impressive skill if the guy does it himself.

I just don't think these bikes are particularly inspiring either as restorations or as custom jobs. There is nothing here that sets my imagination going for my own much more modest efforts.
Johnsqual":1ftz18l1 said:
That response seems a bit irrelevant since most people on here are amateur mechanics and restorers, and aren't asking upwards of £10,000 when selling their stuff.

Believe me, if I thought for even one microsecond that I could get £10,000 for one of my pushbikes, I'd be asking for it. Very very loudly...

for the cyclist who has everything

But a cyclist wouldn't want that atrocity that was once a Colnago.

Indurain's Banesto is a different topic altogether and I can see it appealing to collectors, museums etc.
Johnsqual":2dp3kyri said:
Montello":2dp3kyri said:
Post up some pics of you best restorations, they must be impressive if these efforts are trivial.

That response seems a bit irrelevant since most people on here are amateur mechanics and restorers, .

I find the work of the professional equally as valid and interesting as the amature, it can give a view as to what can be done.

These bikes are not to my taste but I can appreciate the effort and time that has gone into producing them. Just sourcing some of the parts would have taken years even with the budget.

Anyway, I'm bored of you continually attacking anything I post so I'm bowing out of this forum for a while. No doubt you will have the last word ...