For Sale For sale huge range of brake levers hoods (all repros )

Well done,they look amazing.
Been looking for Shimano AX hoods for ages.
Will there be additional fees to pay when they get to the UK ?
thanks... have no idea if you have to pay additional fees I am selling to UK a lot of items and never get feedback about additional fees, but I think it could be.. depends from custom service and cost of the product but I can send as low value
thanks, all made by my hand ;) but how ? it is top secret ;) I spend about 10 years to make such a good repros as today. I have superbe pro availbale black and gray also small dots plugs for brake levers are available
Guessing you had to aquire high quality / NOS originals and then make reverse moulds for each. Time consuming and tricky to get right, hats off to you for the time and effort. Getting the thickness right would be a very tough bit I feel.

I'm after some M-140 / MA-100 1st gen DA - but I think the 600EX hoods will be a close if not exact match.
campy hoods in bianchi celeste colour I made only two pairs, and now I am selling one of them for 55USD shipped (brake levers are not for sell)


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