for sale- brakes/white bros/wheels/framesets/new stuff added

9speed r/h deore shifter fully functional, the window is broken though £5

can i have this please :D ^^^

pm me your details and i'll whip the money straight over to you :D
sorry marc. sithlord had the darkside of the force helping him :twisted:

all PM's replied to :)
first post updated with the sold items, still plenty left incluing that white bros fork! :shock:

final bump before some of it goes on evilbay, i have to pay for a vitamin T!! :LOL:
Jon, just a question re the carbon forks - is it possible to fit canti-mounts (slightly odd I know, but I'm always looking for retro-modern combinations/solutions) ala Pace, etc??

i'm afraid i don't know steve, i did have the pace mounts but i sold them, i don't know if the leg diameter is the same between the 2 brands.