food topic no 2: cakes and savouries

my speciality has no real name. (although cheese and potato pie would be as close as it gets)

take a large deep over proof dish.

depending on the size of the dish cook enough sausages (each cut into 4) to cover the bottom of the dish.

depending on the size of the dish cover the sausages with either beans or spagetti.

cook and mash enough potatos to fill the dish (mix in some cheddar & red leicester with the mash)

a final sprinkle of cheese on the top, and stick in the over for about 30 mins.

for an extra kick mix in some mustard with the mash .

very very tasty and probably not that bad for you :p

very simple recipe give it a whirl ;)
re the roast spuds.......boil for ten minutes,,,,drain off....shake gently in the pan.......heat tray with oive oil garlic ,onions and and baste gently before sticking in the oven for an hour on high......crisp up when you shake do it gently or the spud breaks apart when they cook.i prefer red onions as they are sweeter when reduced... :cool:
I love making bread and none of this bread making machine malarky either

I do a mean full breakfast flatcake too.
I'm into jam making at the moment. Lots of fruit from the allotment and hedgerows makes it worthwhile. Rhubarb and ginger is currently the jam of the moment. Great on toast - better on ice cream!

Been known to make honeycombe/cinder toffee as well.
mrs does some jam . were trying to get some bushes to start growing on the allotment .

had the slo gin that had been sat for 2 years a few weeks ago at a bbq we had up there