Fixed cup removal (with pics)

Am I right that this relies on the friction between the tool and the cup?

Could you also use a headset spanner on the cup at the same time?
Thanks very much for the kind words :)

Original article by Sheldon Brown: LINK

@novocaine That's a stunt cup, I refuse to accept it as real. Weird huh? That's exactly what I thought.

@Splatter Paint Am I right that this relies on the friction between the tool and the cup? Yes, exactly right. The cup is clamped solidly between the steel tube inside the BB shell and the penny washers outside. The cup is heat-treated steel, so much stronger than the washers and "will not" get damaged. Could you also use a headset spanner on the cup at the same time? I don't think there is actually any need. That cup was absolutely immovable with a headset spanner alone, but the huge force you can apply with a breaker bar means no spanner required.
@rmwesley great write up, I’m facing the same problem (frozen fixed cup). Was your fixed cup Left hand threaded?
Just wondering if I try the same thing if I need to apply the breaker bar force anti-clockwise ?
@rmwesley great write up, I’m facing the same problem (frozen fixed cup). Was your fixed cup Left hand threaded?
Just wondering if I try the same thing if I need to apply the breaker bar force anti-clockwise ?

Thank you very much! This was an English threaded bottom bracket where the drive side unscrews clockwise (left hand thread).

However, the less common Italian thread bottom bracket unscrews anti-clockwise (right hand thread).

So... you need to figure out whether you have an English or Italian bottom bracket.

If you post up some pics, the great minds of the forum (not me) will be guaranteed to tell you what you have got 👍
Never seen this idea before, so thanks
A record vice across the flats and turning the frame has never failed me so far, but there is a risk it could slip

🤔 That's a new one to me and thanks for sharing. I'm pretty amazed it works with just a friction grab.

May give this a go in the future to a fixed cup that I've been reluctant (dare) to try without the proper tool which is impossible to find, and know the normal vice trick would end in tears. I imagine for this to work well parts need to be spotless, grease free and surfaces very flat.

Another way I've done it in the past was, and this only works with steel cups of course, is run a bead of weld using an arch welder on the inside of the cup, pretty much where the bearings run, as it cools down it will shrink a touch then hopefully release 👌

Good for stuck headset races too, especially when fitted in internally stepped alloy headtubes, gives something to hit against too
This is what I use if it’s proper stuck.
Step 1. Brute force
Step 2. Ignorance.


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