Finaly.. Got hold of a mint 96' Specialized Stumpjumper Fs M2


Dirt Disciple
Always being a lover of 1990s and finaly be in the stage in life that i can track down "the one's that got away"
Beside my belowed Klein thats outside only when the sun shines..But i'll share some picks off it later.
Got my hands on a extremly littel used 1996 Stumpjumper FS almost as I can call it mint. Everything is original exept theseat .. The question is.. keep it orginal and use it on sunny days like OR Upgrading with the top of the line aftermarket parts from the '90s.. put on a pair of Rolf Proppeler rims and it just looked like a match made in heaven.

Whats to do.

Pictur from wgen i picked it up


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I've got a specialized seat that would go well on that if you are interested. From a slightly later rockhopper
I'd leave it alone, and I usually throw all sorts of non-period correct parts at my builds. It looks great and very original. If the saddle bothers you (or isn't comfy) find a replacement (OG or aftermarket upgrade) and enjoy it. If things start to wear out (not that it sounds like it will if you are sharing sunny days between it and the Klein), upgrade then.
Thanks for the imput👍 I think i'll upgrade it with some higher quality parts, the Thomson post is from the right period and a set of unused Rolf Proppeler wheels thats almost from the same period and looks great...but non of the orginal parts is going in the trash...but the brakes im not sure of, Vs or cantilever... Boys and toys...
Lovely looking bike, a real find! Personally I like to keep them original as possible, or if you upgrade then store the original parts nice & safe.
Pleeze post up more pics, showing the original detail. Thanks.
As a matter of interest, what make/spec are the pedals on the bike?
Great find! I'm also partial to keeping it mostly original. FYI, those tires look to still be in great shape (hard to tell 100% from the photo) and are rare and expensive if sold separately. Team Control?
The tyres on the pic are not original but he had them, Time Control/Master on both but they were in bad shape.. not being use for a long time,plan rotten. But put on some Micelen Wildgripper I had in the garage, fits the periode. The pedal are Shimano "semi' spd.. and I alsow think the Strongarm looks great...'moneyshoot of the day".will post more when its not -8 c outside. All original equ.on the pic.


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