Wanted Fillet brazed Ritchey bike or frame 🙏


Marin Fan
Hiya, I'm looking for a fillet brazed Ritchey frame or full bike, ideally made by Tom. I guess this will mean an 80s bike!? I am just keen on a hand-made frame :) Preference for original paint and bullmoose bar - but I'm being deliberately open-minded to see what is out there so happy to consider all options. I ride 17.5 / 18 inch (Marin sizes!) usually so not exactly sure on sizing - will probably consider anything small-medium. I'm in London, UK but would pay reasonable shipping from wherever. Many thanks, Joni 🙏

Quote Reply
I've got a Ritchey P 22, original and in great condition, is that something you would be interested in?

Best regards
Hi Carina, thank you very much for your message.
Since my post above I have sourced a frame - an '84 Team Comp - but I would still be interested to know more about your P-22, including the frame size and how much you are thinking 🙏. Oh, and as I'm in London it would also be useful to know roughly where you're based, as shipping seems pretty expensive these days!
Thanks again, Joni
Hi Carina, thank you very much for your message.
Since my post above I have sourced a frame - an '84 Team Comp - but I would still be interested to know more about your P-22, including the frame size and how much you are thinking 🙏. Oh, and as I'm in London it would also be useful to know roughly where you're based, as shipping seems pretty expensive these days!
Thanks again, Joni
Hi Joni!
Since I last wrote I decided to keep it, it is of course not easy to part with.
But due to circumstances in life I have to think wisely, even though it hurts.

It is 17.5", would that suit you? I have to think about the price, but maybe you already have some thoughts about it?
I live in Sweden.

Best regards
Hej Carina!

I spent quite some time in the south of Sweden some years ago - I loved it :)

I think the frame is about the right size for me - I was looking for a smaller rather than larger frame. I'm not sure how Ritchey's ride / how they fit etc but I have a Marin from the early 90s that is 17.5 inch and fits me well. Having said all this ... I think you should keep it if you can 🙏 (I'm also pretty sure I can't afford another Ritchey now I have one on the way...)

Just realised it's the bike in your profile image - it looks lovely!

Hope you have a great weekend,

Thank you, how nice that you understand how sad it is to part with a great bike.

How cool that you're getting a Team Comp! But just the frame, are you going to build one? I'm convinced that you'll love it if it's like the P 22. I've never felt so cohesive and smooth as on the Ritchey. Please tell me how you feel about it since 😊 You might even cycle back to Sweden 😄

I've realized that I have to sell it anyway. Life changes, I'm moving and can't take too many things with me. But that's life, there are always new wonderful experiences, albeit different ones 🍀🤸

It may be rude to ask (in Sweden it's rude to talk about money), but I'll ask anyway, if you want to tell me how much you payed for it? It seems impossible to find any for sale. The P 22 seems to be unusual?

I have more pictures on my profile page if you want to check it out. Maybe you'll even fall for it so hard that you just have to buy it anyway 🫢😅

Have a great Sunday! ☀️