Fife and Tayside rides thread


You need to have a bairn, then you’ll know what limited time for riding is!
I’d be up for a Pitmedden ride in between Xmas and New Year. Comrie is good in summer but top part is lethal in anything resembling a light frost.

Not working xmas this year, I finish up next weekend.
Best for me would be 28,29 or 30th.
Shona working the 30th i think so should have a pass.

Provisionally in diary for that day, should be good. We could have a ride out then get pub lunch in 'muchty?

Got a free pass this Sunday.
Anyone fancy a trundle round Tentsmuir or maybe St Andrews to Crail for coffee and cake via the coastal path?
Looking at an 11 o’clock start either way.

I’ve not been since the felling, but our mate Kenny pretty much lives in there at the moment.
Good Singletrack sections with fire road climbs. Bit of a maze and takes a few visits to get your head round it.
Doesn’t handle rain very well though and can be a bit of a bog in places.

You up visiting the in-laws?
You could maybe persuade OCP out to guide you round.
Could also see if I can download one of Kenny’s gpx from Strava and mail it to you.
Aye, heading up to visit on boxing day and coming back the following day, but thought I could maybe fit in a wee bike ride on the way back down. I've never ridden at Blairadam so fancy seeing it at least, but I know it can be a bit hit or miss. Some GPX files would be cool if you can get them. Not sure OCP could cope with my extreme slowness, but maybe if he eats 40 christmas dinners! :LOL: :xmas-wink: