Fife and Tayside rides thread

Really enjoyed that today lads, feeling fine now after my overheating was sorted.

Do think I enjoy comrie a bit more than GT.
Was a fabulous ride, even worth those bloody climbs. Sore now.
Really impressed with the changes they've made since my last visit 5 years ago. Be good to go back with a bigger group later in the year, as it's pretty central for most of us. Loved the cafe, deep fired butternut squash risotto balls and pea frittata for lunch, yum. Oh, and the cinnamon smothered french toast.

ZZ will be along later with more photos, but here's one of him I took while Keith was having his nap back down the hill. This was him 1 second before pussing out of the rock step I'd already cleared twice.

Untitled by Steven Clubb, on Flickr
Yeah, monster trucking up that rock, so I wasn't. Hey, at least I had my gnarface on.

Their trails really are great - a wee taste of the highlands but only an hour from the door. Boulder bridges, massive slabs worked into the track, and rocks and water bars a plenty.

Then you've got the bottom blue, with swoopy berms, a bit of pump track and dual slalom thrown in. Possibly the best blue in Scotland? Cafe food was spot on too. Only slight downer was Keith, boiling himself alive in his winter gear in the 20 degree sun. A quick Gok Wang later, and sanity was restored. We left him to cool down, and clubby and myself nipped off to complete the red climb and catch him on the way back down.

Great day, even my crash was good 'un, with nary a scratch to show for it... somehow. Pics here:

Highlights below.








Glad you guys had a good day, well, apart from Keith, it seems like he sticks tae the "ne'er cast a cloot till may is oot". :mrgreen: Even I had shorts and t-shirt on, on a wee run round Blairadam this afternoon.

Was feeling iffy this morning, a bit better by afternoon but it would have done ma heid in the way I felt this morning.
Still managed half an hour of trail work despite telling myself that I'd just ride :facepalm: . Mainly filling the bottoms of a couple of ditches and re-aligning exit from one of them.

I know it's the Pentlands ride the next day but is there anybody interested in a wee ride round The Meedies trails on Friday evening?
Rob? Aaron? My good self and Keith are going so if ye fancy it.....

:? I wouldn't mind doin something but whether I could keep up with you's is doubtful, I could still 'take' Keith though :shock:

Rob, for long enough I couldnae keep up wae you guys, you guys always waited for me, eventually :LOL: , so we'd rather wait for ye than no have ye there. :cool:
The Meedies is mostly flat except for the climb up Harran Hill Woods, if we do it, so ye should be OK. Are ye still thinking of going to the Pentlands ride?