Fife and Tayside rides thread


i went round deans wi ma mate gary last sat afore oing for a pint, worst ride i can remember, think we rode about 10% or trails total mudfest and more like a swamp. wont be back for a while.
I'm easy. Happy to do a bit of trail building up Blairadam, or if ye's fancy a change, come over Falkirk way - it'll be less muddy, that's for sure.

If we're trail building at Blairadam it'll no be muddy. :mrgreen:

Well, no unless we make it go through a muddy bit. :facepalm:

Still not been in there to clear the 2 trees on TT Trail, cannae go through the day with FC guys there and after 4 I've just been Dad's taxi.

Prob easier for me if we do kelty as shona doing a run the morra pm as weather today is shite if that's ok ?

How about we meet for 10am start I'm gonna cycle up.

Ps me and Gary doing north third and cambusbarron wids next Sat prob about 1ish if yous fancy it?
Sounds good, see ye's tomorrow. I've invited a guy from Keri's work along as well, not sure if he'll make it though - good bloke, been out with him a couple of times, fit bastard :)
is the Quarry open for riding now ZZ? That is my parent's backgarden view. - they call the 2 spiral bing Madonna Mountain because of the 2 cones on top :)
Aye TK, it look's like it's rideable. Keith noticed a MTBer entering the other week, and wondered if you could shortcut through it to get to/from Blairadam.

I think the spiral cone boobs are a segment.