Fat Chance 'Yo Eddy' cap, 15 years old IIRC

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Dirt Disciple
I bought this hat at Bike 96 I think. It makes my head look funny, therefore I've never worn it. My daughter has, once or twice. I really don't have a CLUE what to ask for it. £20? Tell me if that's way wrong! I tried to ask earlier but had my thread deleted :roll: .



Sorry for the shonky pictures, mt camera is dying :oops: .
BTW,, you had your thread deleted earlier as you never stated a price fella, if you are unsure of a price then ask in the whats it worth thread chap.. :)

All the rules are at the top of the page so take a little time to read through them , john was on the prowl and he has said on numerous occasions that he will delete ads if there is no price.. :)

Just a little heads up for future ads.. ;) :)
Hi Sith, yeah I figured that out after, sadly I am one of these types who never reads the instructions.. :twisted:
:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: Well were men , and instructions were invented for the lesser species , but unfortunately our master has spoken, so we must obey :LOL: :LOL:

Nice cap btw.. amazed a certain Dr did not buy it :? :LOL: :LOL:
A certain Doctor has been flat out all day and has only just ventured into the classifieds which is a shame. Nice hat- would probably be handy for covering the increasing amount of 'titanium' coloured hair that I have become blessed with :roll:
The rules are there for a reason. Read them.

Stevo69":d117iblq said:
I tried to ask earlier but had my thread deleted :roll:

That's because you didn't read the rules :evil:
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