Using terms like Chinese and "they" rather than individuals is racist.I don't think it's racist to say that a lot of fake bike parts come from China. After all, there's no suggestion that this is somehow a byproduct of a Chinese 'race', not is there a suggestion that all Chinese are engaged in producing fakes. Many have said that London is the money laundering capital of the world without there being any suggestion that most Londoners or Brits are involved or dodgy. Surely, the same applies here.
However, although I'm not convinced that the accusation of racism is justified in this particular case, I have long thought that there are sometimes racist overtones in the way American and British manufacture is often valorised in cycling circles while 'far eastern' is used to imply inferior. You're not wrong that the West can be hypocritical either.
However, I'm not picking up on any racism or hypocrisy from the guys in this debate.
I know quite a few Chinese people and non of "them" have any involvement or support for IP infringement.