
I remember my right front brake boss on my Saracen Trekker giving a loud ping while decending down a hill near gee cross in tameside back in 1989 only for me to come eventually to a stop to find a hole in the front fork and the brake boss hanging on by a quarter of an inch but i still rode home and a couple of day's later i clamped and mig welded the brake boss so wasn't too bothered ..
I see people listing all failures not the last one so ill add a few of mine.
- snappef two seatposts on same bike (not at same time)
- crank parted from chainring, nasty ad was out of saddle up a hill, first thing i knew about it wad on the road wondering wtf, from then on only fitted one piece cranks, not 2 piece
- brake straddle wire twice
- crushed the rollers on sedis chain
- snapped alloy spider on xt cassette attempting wheelies
- rim parts from wheel
- broke solid rear axle
- remove three teeth from cassette sprocket
- lose chain pin
The rear hub on my Saracen is starting to give up. I had it apart to grease it fairly recently so I think it's going. The wheel was built in 1996 (it's off my Cinder Cone) so if I can find a decent spec all silver rear I'll just replace it.

Rear brake on it's failed too but that was due to it getting manhandled on a busy train. It just won't readjust though...

I recently lent an old low spec '70s Peugeot roadie to a friend as I'm just not getting on with it.
I'd brought it into Manchester and used it all day, as soon as I handed it over and he rode off, the chain snapped.

There is something to be said for OCD-like attention to detail and rigorously checking your bike regularly. I’ve had a number of close shaves here and there...

1. The barrel ends snapped off in the levers whilst braking for a crossing. I had cantis fitted so this meant the straddle wires dropped into the knobbies of the tyres like a cheese wire, resulting in an exhilarating skid to a halt in front of terrified pedestrians.

2. The free hub shattered whilst in the middle of heavy traffic. Managed to get off the road and to the nearest LBS.

3. The bolt of the seat clamp sheared, dropping me on the road arse-first legs in the air.

4. I flatted out. I rarely suffer punctures, so it had been a long time since I’d had the tyres off. Took everything off the wheel only to see a number of cracks running around the rim. These were old FIRs from the early 90’s. Ditched these at work and got a cheap ‘emergency’ wheel set from a nearby Halfords. After a year of use, the free hub of the Halfords rear shattered – see No.2 above.

5. A rail on a vintage Vetta saddle snapped :cry:
Re: Re:

Dossa":135gbwv4 said:
Mega rim failure the other week :evil:

I had mine go on me while taking the tyre off the front wheel on my Kona so at least i wasn't riding it thank goodness but yea! yours has gone alot furher round the wheel than mine so i guess i were lucky ..
Last year on my '95 Stumpy M2:

3 freehub bodies - Broke the inner body at the main bearing race threads on all three. I should jump less.
Wore thru the Mavic 238's. Rebuilt with Sun 0degree's and new spokes.

Otherwise, my wife bent her front axle and her Judy J1 lowers on her '97 Hardrock AX. Several broken seatpost clamps (needs to stand more!)

Other than that, normal wear'n'tear.

Did shag my left quad 3 weeks ago... Huge contusion - Hematoma covering from 4" above my knee to my groin. All the colours. Much limping. Only fainted 2x the first night. Almost not limping today.
